Connections Bank Scholarships
Scholarships for Local High School Seniors
Connections Bank awards $1,500 college scholarships for high school seniors throughout our banking areas and communities.
Connections Bank awards $1,500 college scholarships for high school seniors throughout our banking areas and communities.
The scholarships are to be used towards enrollment in a four-year university. The scholarships will be payable as follows:
- $1,000 for the first year
- $500 for the second year
To receive the second year's installment, the student must have maintained a 3.0 grade point average during their first year while enrolled as a full-time student.
Students interested in applying for the Connections Bank Scholarship must complete and return an application by April 1st.
To Apply
Those interested in applying may use one of the below methods:
- Email the completed application to scholarship@connections.bank
- Return the completed application to their high school counselor.
- Mail the completed form to:
- Connections Bank
Attention: Scholarship Program
P.O. Box 380
Platte City, MO 64079
- Connections Bank
- Hand deliver the completed application to any Connections Bank location.
Download a scholarship application. The application will be "fillable" for most users, meaning you can right-click the application link and save on your computer. Open the pdf on your computer, enter the requested information and print.
Connections Bank recognizes the importance of education and is pleased to provide this opportunity to high school seniors throughout our communities.